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Kerry Washington Deletes Savagely Mocked Tweet Pairing DMX and Prince Philip in Heaven

"Anybody else wondering what DMX and His Royal Highness Prince Phillip are chatting about together at the pearly gates?" the actress asked in a now-deleted tweet

Kerry Washington came under fire on Friday for a tone-deaf tweet she posted about the deaths of Prince Philip and DMX. Her (now-deleted) tweet read, “Anybody else wondering what DMX and His Royal Highness Prince Phillip [sic] are chatting about together at the pearly gates? My love to both their families. May they both Rest In Peace.”

While Washington probably intended her message to be sweet and sincere, Twitter wasted no time pointing out how cringe-inducing it was, which led the actress to eventually delete the tweet. But the damage was already done, and you could practically hear the eye rolls in the responses that followed.

“The assumption that DMX and that white man are going to the same place…now miss washington please…” a writer tweeted

“Now we all know they’re not even remotely in the same line,” another user wrote, throwing shade at Prince Philip for the many controversial remarks he made during his long life. “One of them slid down the @LilNasX pole to hell, and it wasn’t DMX.” Another user, also referencing Prince Philip’s history of offensive comments, tweeted, “DMX and Prince Phillip going to two very different places…don’t lump in DMX with a white supremacist pls queen.”

Prince Philip died Friday at age 99 in England, following a string of hospitalizations and health issues. DMX also died Friday morning after suffering a recent heart attack.

Look, Washington probably didn’t mean to offend anyone, but everyone’s gotta learn from their mistakes. As one user snarked, “Kerry Washington having the worst ‘rip dmx’ tweet is certainly an unforeseen circumstance.”

See more reactions to Washington’s tweet below.

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