I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. Change can be difficult at times. It can even be scary. This was something new to me, but I was willing to take a chance. Mike had such a familiar presence. I didn’t know him, but I felt like we’ve known each other for years.
“I know we just met. There is a diner two blocks from here. I just want to talk and get to know you.” he said
Mike continued to move closer to me. I felt his hand on my waist. As he continued to talk, I felt his hands move to the back and then on my waist. He pulled me closer; I could smell Bleu De Chanel on his skin, a familiar scent. He was tall, 6’3” with an athletic build. He had a caramel complexion and had dirty blonde locs that came past his shoulders.
“Sweetheart I just want to talk” he repeated
As I looked into those chestnut eyes I couldn’t say no.
“Sure, we can go.” I replied
I got into my car and we headed to the diner. I’ve been there a couple of times before so I knew how to get there. This place was one of those low-key creep spots. The food was great and the diner had a nice atmosphere. When we walked in we were seated immediately. We placed the order with the waitress; while waiting for our food we conversed. I was so indulged in our conversation that when the food arrived I barely touched it! Looks can be deceiving; my first impression of Mike was conflicting. I assumed he was “About that Life.” I was wrong. He was a senior partner at a law firm, a father of two, and building a legit foundation for his children. I admired his ambition. This made me fall for him even more.
Our waitress came by and placed the check on the table. We both reached for the check. Mike pulled out his wallet and handed his credit card to our waitress. When the waitress walked away he grabbed my hand.
“I don’t want this night to end.” he said
Chills went down my spine. I already knew what he was going to say next.
“I know you don’t know me and I know it’s late, but I would love to continue this conversation at my place.” he continued
I had already made up my mind when we were in the parking lot at the store. I didn’t have any hesitations about accepting the invitation. I knew that my decision would change the dynamics of everything and I was willing to take that chance. I was allowing a new man into my life. Yea, this could just be for the night. I was willing to take that risk.
“Okay. I’ll bring the wine.”
We both laughed. The waitress handed him his card and I left the tip. I drove behind him and followed him back to his place. When we pulled up it took a moment for me to get out. I never pictured myself being with another man. Things were shifting and moving in a different direction. My whole world was turned upside down already. What I wanted to believe would have been forever and that was a false reality. I knew my Ex would never commit. He proved this in his actions. I thought love would keep us together. But I never felt that he truly loved me?
I got out of my car and followed him to his front door. Mike stopped me before we walked in.
“Are you okay? It took you a minute to get out of your car.” he questioned
“I’m good.” I said
“Are you sure? We can meet up later if you’re not comfortable.” he said
I looked up at him.
‘I’m good.”
Once we walked in he gave me a quick tour. I sat on the couch and he brought out two glasses of wine and turned on some music. He set the glasses on the coffee table and reached out and asked me to dance. I smiled; got up and we began to slow dance.
This felt good. Such a familiar feeling, but this was different. I knew what I wanted. As we continued to dance, I moved my hands up his neck placing them inside his locs. No words were exchanged. I looked up at him gently pulling him closer, and we began to kiss.
My eyes were now closed allowing him to take full control. Mike unexpectedly led me upstairs to his bedroom. I knew that once I entered the room it was no going back. This was the point of no return. Forgetting about everything in my past. I walked slowly into the room, closed the door behind me. Leaving everything in my past behind.
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